Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cattails..drying flowers and herbs...

There are so many fun things happening in the garden.. and along the roadsides...

I've stopped 3 times now to harvest cattails from along the roadside. When I stopped yesterday the skinny little things had plumped up. I've tied them into bunches and laid them out to dry. My Aunt Joy, who has harvested lots of cattails, reminded me to spray them with hairspray once they've dried out. This keeps them from opening up and puffing all over the house.

I've also been harvesting and drying lots of mint! So fun and the greatest part... mint doesn't mind being picked when it's wet out or even when it's drizzling. (Since Iowa seems to be turning into a tropical climate... this is good news!) It will be great to have it in abundance over the winter, eh? In the past we've ordered Press 'N Brew Tea Bags from Mountain Rose Herbs, I like this company a lot!

Mint patch in the front yard garden.

Fresh picked mint.

(Dill, Peppermint, Spearmint)

Another thing I have learned this season is... Larkspur is a great dried flower!!! Who would have ever guessed? It's such a delicate flower. My Mom has a self seeded patch in her rose garden and after I found out the news I could barely keep myself from harvesting her whole patch. Leave some to go to seed dear momma.

Larkspur drying on my Mom's old bike.

Today we picked ageratum which is also a wonderful flower for drying. I love adding little dried ageratum posies to my dried flower arrangements... whether they're on a wreath, tucked in a swag, or added to a larger dried flower bouquet. Bonus bonus bonus!!

On another note... I'm desperately wishing for a new camera lens. I keep feeling disappointed with the quality of my photos. The lighting... the framing... capturing the moment... Maybe I'm not taking as many pictures as I used to???

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stinging Nettles, Spring Tonic

Stinging nettle leaves & stalks are a great spring time tonic! I stuff a pint jar full of washed nettles, pour in boiling water and let steep for several hours and sometimes over night. It is important to keep it covered, so vital nutrients are not lost in the steam. The longer you let steep, the more nourishing the infusion becomes. Susan Weed says, "the result is a liquid much thicker and darker than an herbal tea, leaving no doubt that you are dealing with a medicine, not a breakfast drink." My daughter, on the other hand, prefers drinking as a tea, with a spoonful of local honey! I put one cup of fresh nettles in 2 cups of boiling water, let steep 5-7 minutes, strain, add honey.

You can also eat nettles, just make sure they are steamed or cooked! My gardening partner loves to eat them as a steamed vegetable, much like spinach or chard. You can also add them to soups.

I highly recommend two books by Susan Weed, Herbal for The Childbearing Year and Healing Wise. In her book, Healing Wise, she has an entire chapter dedicated to stinging nettles and the benefits of it's leaves, stalks, seeds, and roots. I have referenced both of these books hundreds of times and loan them out to friends whenever needed. They are available at Thymely Solutions.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sprouting Easter Grass

We've started our Easter grass. This is a fun and simple project for all ages. You will need a container, grain, soil, and water. I bought rye and winter wheat berries at our local whole foods store, Everybody's, in the bulk section. Soak berries overnight. Fill saucers, or container of your choice, with enough dirt to completely cover the bottom. Spread grain over the top and pat in a little. Water generously the first time. Check daily to make sure they are moist. Don't let them dry out!

I am also inspired in make pet rocks, or in this case pet lady bugs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back in the shop

I was able to visit the shop and start sanding on our newest project, the semi car transporter. This is an amazing toy! Henry, of course, inspired us to make it. I made a pattern from a toy at Ella's piano teacher's house. Henry looks forward to going there every week to play. Jim cut two trucks, a walnut and cherry. These are heirloom quality. I can't wait until the wheels come, so we can list them on Etsy!

A little package of magic is off to Canada!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Needle Felting Classes

I will be co-hosting two needle felting classes this month with Reni! We will be at the At Home Store Saturday, March 20 10am-12pm for a needle felting Easter egg extravaganza. The following weekend we will be teaching for the Villages Folk School at the Addie Mae Fudge Factory, 707 1st Street, Bonaparte, IA.
You can register here,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bird Seed Cakes

I love making these. Here's a simple recipe.

3 c of wildbird seed
3 T unflavored gelatin
6 T cold water
1/2 c boiling hot water

1. Put unflavored gelatin in a bowl (that can withstand boiling water)
2. Add 3 T cold water and let sit for a minute or so
3. Add 1/2 c boiling water and stir for several minutes, until gelatin is dissolved.
4. Add this mixture to your birdseed and stir. Keep stirring until all birdseed is covered.
5. Spoon into a bundt pan for wreaths or cookie cutters for shapes.
6. Let stand in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Remove from pan or remove cookie cutters.
7. I cut holes with a drill press, 1/4" bit. I think you could also use an ice pick.
8. String with twine, ribbon, or raffia.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Little Brown Acorn is branching out!

I have been begging Jim to become a wooden toy maker with me for several months now. As his carpentry business has slowed down over the winter, I have finally snagged him! The Little Brown Acorn will soon be offering hand crafted, wooden play toys for children!

Thursday we had Alliant reinstall the gas meter at my Dad's little shop in Keosauqua, a 20 mile drive from our house. Activity picked up quickly with the heat on! We were down there Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and, Jim, today! There is much cleaning and organizing to do, as the photo shows. Jim has spent the last few nights thumbing through woodworking shop books. How best to organize?

How did it all start? After my Dad retired from his automotive and sales business, 1995, he started tinkering with woodworking in his original automotive shop,"the little shop." Many of the tools he started out with were handed down to him by his father, grandfather, and uncles, who were all avid woodworkers.

Our house is filled with furniture he made; an armoire, night stands, kitchen table, futon, etc. The coolest thing about the furniture is it is all made with wood from my parents land, some of which was left to them by his parents. In the late 1990's my Dad built a wood kiln, so he was able to dry all the wood harvested himself. He started making intricate toys right before his stroke in 2003, which debilitated his left side.
Since then, the shop has been sitting there, just like he left it.

Until now. We started good projects over the weekend and I have so many ideas wizzing through my head!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1st Needles

On Saturday, Kate gifted me the pattern to make felted bowls.

On Sunday, I bought two dowels that were 7/16" in diameter and cut them into 12" sticks. Jim sanded the points for me using a mounted belt sander. (Thanks, Papi Jim!) I finished by hand sanding them smooth, especially the points, with a 240 grit sand paper.

I can wait to see the finished project!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Needle Felting at the At Home Store

Reni and I hosted a needle felting class this morning. It was so much fun! Here are some photos of our projects. We were working on headbands, barrettes, and broaches for Valentine's Day.

We will be hosting another beginner class, the basics of needle felting. (Date still to be announced.) At this class we will make needle felted Easter eggs. This was my first project, almost 4 years ago now! This will be a fun opportunity for young and old to learn how to needle felt!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Felt People Dolls

Over the weekend I remembered these cool felt people dolls I made for Ella when she was little. I know I have saved some, but cannot find them for the life of me! However, I was lucky enough to find the pattern. The ideas are endless! Henry wants "worker guys" and chainsaws...Ella wants purses and jewelry. I'm in the process of getting the PDF together. Look for the patterns and dolls later this week on my Etsy site, TheLittleBrownAcorn.


Henry and Ella

I have play board and storage designs for them too! I hope to post those soon!

Peace, love, and happiness! Cheers!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Royal Heart Family

The Royal Heart Family made their first true appearance yesterday morning.

The Queen of Hearts

The King of Hearts

The Knave of Hearts

The Royal Couple

Ella has been giving me so much inspiration! The list is of wee folks we want to make is growing day by day.

Today I'm busying myself creating a finer portrait studio for all the wee folks who wish to have their images captured forever.

Since the last post I was lucky enough to find my heart punch. What a lucky day! The wonderful world of wee folks is being blessed with many hearts.

May the whole world be blessed with extra heart's love this season!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wee Folk for Valentine's Day

The Wee Folk population is growing just in time for Valentine's Day! I love finding little wand twigs like Mrs. Green's. My new star punch arrived in the mail over the weekend! I lost it over a week ago and this has really put a damper on my wee folk inspriation! Watch out world! The star wand shop will be re-opening soon!!

For sale at